Friday, April 13, 2018

Hearing Bowie "Ch-ch-changes" and the Friday Update

Played in the dirt a bit this week...and enjoyed a respite from the cold weather. 80 degrees today! The first BASKING day and North Patio Beach is open for the season!

(...although the forecaster says light snow by Monday again...)

Not sure this WINTER is ever going to end!

Bought a beautiful Pink Ranunculus

Like these yesterday. A very delicate tissue thin petaled flower. It looks like it will be an indoor plant for a while longer. Fell in love with these a few years back. They don't last...but they are beautiful. The white are even more delicate and ethereal looking.

I think the summer patio  (flower) colors are going to be pinks and whites...with the existing light purple irises...and my deep purple-blue morning glories.

Dealing with some condition changes. Knew this was coming...but still getting my head around it. Harder and harder to walk (without human or walker assist) has now reached the point of almost impossible. 
I still have great legs...they just don't work!


Have been working the past year on building my upper body strength...practicing transfers and propelling myself...using the manual wheel-chair and tips from people who do use them in their everyday life. Oh...and

Amber (my weekly helper) is wonderful and does a lot of the misc. things I need help with/can't do anymore.

The chair makes it a lot easier around the house and out. I still can occasionally use the walker for short bursts but not safely or without a great deal of pain.

Stripped down (without the armrests) it is nice...almost becomes just a part of your body.


Looking forward to an up-coming mini-trip (Casino, Nice Italian Dinner, Inn, Conservatory and More) soon! 
Not wasting a second of time on a pity party.

Also Morels...

Which my mushroom-guy promises very soon.

Can't wait!

My new swimsuit arrived today (perfect timing)  and looks like this.

The day I ordered it I saw this and laughed out loud

Because the day before I had actually bought a box of ice cream!


Staying right around 135-140 so it's all good!

My DIL is doing amazing. Has went from a size 24 to a 10/11 now and looks incredible! She celebrated with mermaid colored hair (which James helped with) this week!

Love it! 

She is so bold! Fearless.
That is why I love her.

She and James already planning skydiving for their 5th Anniversary!

Chris was over last night with an early birthday surprise (for me) that is going to make life much easier. A smaller wireless printer and a ream of good paper. We will have cake and such on the 24th...but this is something I have needed for a while. My handwriting reduced to my signature, these days. Getting a bank signature stamp made before it is completely gone.

James is fixing my dryer soon and installing dimmer help with the whole light sensitivity thing.

Talked to Lennon a few days ago...and he sent a shot of his most recent additions to his lego-world

Absolutely LOVE the bus!

And we discussed the FBI raid on Cohen's Office and the promise it held.

And Midterms, of course. 

Which is our mutual Happy Thought at this point.

He is hoping to be up (vacation) over our Saturday after Thanksgiving Family Gathering!    I hope so, too!

Paul Ryan says he won't seek re-election...which is kind of moot because he wouldn't have been, anyway.

Face it...these guys cashed out their chips with the huge Tax Breaks/Give Aways in that budget they simply don't care now.

Our battle plan in short-

 Blue No Matter Who...for 2018 and 2020.

This week's book:

By Author (and Irag & Afghanistan Veteran) Will Mackin

11 short stories...true tales from "the big litter-box"

Powerfully written. Engaging. It will make you laugh out loud...and sometimes cry.

Outstanding read.

The movie this week:

They are back and they're bad.

Sequel to Pacific Rim.


You will love the Thor-Loki relationship between Jake and Lambert for most of this movie. Some really funny moments.

Like Battle Mechs on CRACK.

Excellent sequel!

Looking forward to a Plainfield Adventure with John tomorrow...and a quiet Zen Sunday!

Heard The Ghost of Loran encouraging me this week

Make EVERY DAY the BEST day of your LIFE!

Life is good...and this is just The Beginning of another Great Adventure.

More Anon...


Had an amazing day out with John. A nice brunch at Cracker Barrel.  Stopped by Cox's Nursery to look at/for plants (they have everything) and found a beautiful Birthday already has 12 flower buds starting on it!

Shelby is so confused as to WHY it is in the house!

Set it in the corner until the cold weather is gone...suppose to be back to snow tonight again.

Anyway, was reading the Nursery Tag and OMG...they have genetically engineered the Amethyst Falls Wisteria to bloom not once in Spring...which is usually the case...but over and over all Summer like the Bloomerang Lilac. Amethyst Falls Wisteria is considered a dwarf American version and stays smaller and much more manageable as well.

I am so HAPPY!!!

Going to get this started on the trellis as soon as the weather breaks...and now realize I need a ficus or something for that corner of the living

(...if you Give a Mouse a Cookie...)

Re-blooming Wisteria...who knew????

                              Hannah's (belated) Birthday and Glo-Tag!

                             Emma. The Beginning of Softball Season!