Saturday, March 23, 2019

End of the Week...Mueller's Report...#Florida Man...and Nunes' Cow

Settled in for a quiet weekend here.

Some of us, more snuggled than!

Sofi has claimed the fuzzy taffy blanket as "her's" along with the cat tree, I'm afraid.

Finally recovered from our beginning of the week adventure...and the next one already planned and booked. This time we've managed to find a hot tub suite without the accompanying "cave" for an early birthday celebration together.

The last year of my 50' can that be right?

It's just a number. Most days I feel about 45...except this Wednesday morning when I felt about 106. 

You wreck me, honey....

But only temporarily.

The HUGE news is, of course, the completion of the Mueller Report!

Barr received it yesterday...Congress will review it soon...and so now

And to amuse ourselves during said wait...we have #FloridaMan Challenge....which is basically Googling the Month and Day you are born and the words Florida Man.

Showing us,once again, things really ARE a bit more surrealistic  in the Sunshine State.

Florida man slapped with Big Mouth Billy Bass Singing Fish After Argument

See what I mean...???

And Devin Nunes became completely unhinged after a parody site

Devin Nunes' Cow

arrived on the twitter scene...even filing which the twitterverse responded with a resounding


And it has sort of devolved from there.

People showing up at his rally in cow costumes...many others just mooing...being trolled mercilessly...and now this

The Official Devin Nunes Cow Tee Shirt

Available for order here

Yes...let the merchandising begin!

Spring temps have arrived...and slowly beginning the tidying outside and decided to put the forced bulbs in a patio planter to finish their blooming. Soon to add touches of yellow (silk daffodils and forsythia) to the spring decor in the house.

Tried on the Pearl Blue Lace Dress for Chris and Tina's wedding and am pleasantly surprised. Great fit and looks lovely. Still vacillating over the hat and shoes...but there is time!

Tina has started painting her WarHammer Orcs and is doing a great job!

And I have invited Chris and James to experience the Breakfast Company with me in the coming week!

Nicole and Emma have been having an adventure with hair...and now Emma is sporting a new look!

Love it!!!

And she is ready for Spring Softball.

Hoping to see my granddaughter, Hannah, for her birthday soon.

And my Florida friend Vicki, and her husband Mark, report the resurgence of 14 Monarch Caterpillars in their butterfly garden.

"We're gonna need more milkweed!!!"

Yep...they plant and grow butterflies!

No movie this week...

The Book...a collection of essays entitled

Essays taking a hard look at relationships.

Between husbands and wives...between sisters and friends...between flatmates and co-workers. Mothers and their children.

You'll find yourself nodding and sighing...and sometimes smiling. And maybe a few tears.

Well written. Very enjoyable.

Finishing the tidying and wash here. Loving the new dryer...then beginning the background and sky for my second attempt at capturing The Angel Oak in acrylics.

More Anon...