Monday, March 4, 2019

Life List #12: Buddhist Park Sedona Verde Valley

I have travels extensively throughout Arizona (real time). How I have missed Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park is a mystery.

Finally get there, today, through virtual travel.

Peace Park covers 14 acres with Cathedral Rock in the background in Sedona, Arizona.

A winding trail brings you to the larger (36 foot) Amitabha Stupa and the smaller (6 foot) Tara Stupa for mediation, prayer or healing.

(a stupa...literally heap in a mound or structure filled with prayers and Buddhist relics)

Tara Stupa

Even before you notice the stupas or the huge carved wooden Buddha you hear them. The tiny multicolored scraps of silk prayer flags whispering and flapping in the breeze. The tinkling of brass bells and wind chimes. Otherwise this is a silent place.

These Stupas were created by KPC: Tibetan Buddhist Center in the United States.  They were built to provide places of pilgrimage where people of all spiritual traditions/religions can visit, pray, renew faith and meditate to find peace and benefit for themselves and others.

They were built in the 1980's.  

Nearby is a carved wooden Buddha.

The park is open every day from dusk to dawn and is free.

Tours of Peace Park

Recommended prayer at the stupa

By this effort, may all sentient beings be free of suffering.
May their minds be filled with the nectar of virtue.
In this way, may all causes resulting in suffering be extinguished,
and only the light of compassion shine throughout all realms.

I hope, you too, have enjoyed this place of peace. 
