Friday, March 22, 2019

Life List #17: Twinings Tea Shoppe

Located at 216 Strand- London, England; both this tiny tea shoppe and her fine teas have been around for three centuries.

Opened in 1706 by Thomas Twining it was first known as "Tom's Coffee House", and soon became a popular gathering spot for fashionable aristocrats.

Although it was a coffee house it soon was recognized for its assortment of blended dried teas. Within a decade the coffees were gone and Twinings eventually became a vast Tea Empire...known worldwide.

The Twinings Corporate logo has remained unchanged since 1787.

And the Shop on the Strand remains open and operational to date.

Twinings (pronounced: TWINE-ings) is available in an assortment of green, grey, black and fruit flavours. 

My favorite is their Peach.

Beginning with 6 varieties...they now number over 75 blends. Available both loose in canisters and packeted.

Available for sale here:

And a Tour of the Shoppe.

They have even joined us in the 21st Century with the Twinings K-Cup

And now to settle in with a nice cup and enjoy the rest of the evening!

 More Anon....