Sunday, March 17, 2019

Life List #16: California Superbloom and Butterflies

The California Superbloom occurs maybe once every decade. It requires a perfect combination of water, temperatures and lack of harsh winds to happen.
This year the mountains, hills, valley and desert is awash with yellow, pink and purple blooms.

People come from great distances to experience the phenomenon.

Today we will check it out virtually!

Perhaps the most prominent flower during the Superbloom is the Yellow
California Poppy that covers the hills.

The purple flowers (and sometimes pink) commonly seen are Desert Sage.

It can be used in meals, native purification rituals, or simply burned and breathed as a bronchodialator (herbal medicine) to help with congestion.

Superbloom in the desert.

A nice side effect of all the blooms is the pollinators.
Specifically Painted Lady butterflies which descend in the thousands on the rare treasure-trove of flowers.


I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

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