Sunday, March 3, 2019

March...Birthdays...Bedroom Redecorating...and More

This month definitely coming in like a LION.

In fact, watching my treeline and firs filling with snow as I type.

But took the morning and dragged out the Spring Decor box...and started with greens and earth-tones. Will add yellows and daffodils as the season progresses.
The only thing that had started to green up was several clumps of moss just off my patio...and now THAT is buried in an inch of snow.

But SPRING is just around the corner.

Enjoyed having Chris and Tina over for her 30th birthday!

"Wishing for Disney"

and Chris brought Chinese, and shared his now-completely painted
WarHammer game pieces.

And, of course, the wedding!


Still vacillating on the Mother of the Groom dress. Found something more along the line of Connie and Linda's a pearl blue that I really like-

Fully lines with panels of lace. Will look lovely with pearls.

This may be "the one".

Also looking at hats.

Although it seems a bit much...since this is NOT a Royal Wedding and there is little chance The Queen will

We do have a there is that.

Had our Sister's Day yesterday...and my first ever birthday celebration with Lisa who is now 55.

Tina brought her list of 50 Things Sisters Should Know About Each Other...and some adult coloring books and markers.

So we learned more about each other...after all these years...and we still have a lot of the questions one seems to lead to many side questions, and colored while we were doing it.

I made brunch.

My tiny Girl Scout Cookie Connection (Serena...Tina's Grand) sent these:

Also the 4 boxes Chris and Tina ordered.

Since today is a FAST DAY for me, I have had to put them out of sight until tomorrow...nobody has that much will-power.

The redo on my room is coming along slowly.

 " soft and fluffy..."

Shelby enthusiastically approving of the new bedding...and some mornings the bed can't be made until past noon because she has a little cat nest carved out.

Will share a shot when I get it all together.

Soon to hang my wall art to go in there.

Took this shot of it on the loveseat so you could get a feel for the scale. It is huge.

And redecorating a bedroom is kind of like

"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie"

Everywhere you look you see one more thing that would go great in the bedroom.

Yeah, it is hopeless.

 The HAPPIEST news this week.

Sofi will be coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe even this weekend.

I have missed her soooooooooooooooooo much!

And Shelby will be overjoyed, too!

Our little Pride, back together again.

And the kids found Prescription food that seems to help some with her bowel that is a real plus!

I have some ideas to also lessen the stress (and clean up) as well.

More than anything, the time apart has put into perspective that although the explosion, baths, diapers, onesies and spot clean up weekly is an certainly isn't a real insurmountable problem.

Being separated from her, is...

This week's movie:

Where Matthew McConaughey plays a version of Middle Aged Man and the Sea...after the BIG FISH he has named Justice.

The Fish is not Steinbeck's Sailfish...but instead a huge tuna.

The twists and turns and surprise ending made me actually do a second watch...just to see if I could catch any clues up to the blindsiding ending.

A must see.

This week's book:

Obviously published posthumously- reflections on The Biggies from one of the most intelligent men in my lifetime, perhaps.

Very direct. Straight-forward. Like having a conversation with Hawking and being able to ask the stuff you really want to know.

Well worth the read.

Lastly, I have found my next tattoo...

Still working on ideas on where to put it...but absolutely love the design. I am think right inner forearm!
