Saturday, October 12, 2019

A McRib/Sprawlmart/CatNapping Saturday... Last Sunday's Games with the Chiefs...and More

 What does one do after Sprawlmart, McRibs, enjoying the Fall afternoon together, and spoiling Sofi and Suri with their own KFC?

Synchronized Cat Napping, of course!

Our little Pride snuggled together for almost 2 hours.

It was a wonderful (surprise) afternoon, guy!

We ended the week together...and began the week together (online) 

 when we stayed up late Sunday to watch the Colts-Chiefs game!

We were 2-2

They were undefeated at 4-0

All the talking heads had the Chiefs beating us badly.

I am sure a lot of folks lost a lot of money on THIS game.

Despite our heavy injured list...with many out before the game...and the multiple injuries on the field (both us and them)

And there were a LOT of injuries this game.

An inordinate amount.

Like the late 80's Chicago Bears Games.

And despite a lackluster 3rd Quarter...with no points scored at all from either side...

We Did It.

And the Chiefs are no longer UNDEFEATED!

And we are 3-2 and enjoying our BYE week!!!!!

Also the running commentary between John and I...and the popcorn...yes...and the win...made it perfect!

Until the next morning...when we BOTH realized we may have gotten too old to stay up past midnight watching a football game...and be expected to get up before

Suri found my backpack and Our Adventure Bear- Ralph, this week.

"Damned Paparazzi"                    

Separate Brunches and Chat out this week with both Brenda and Diane.

Catch up and chat with all the kids, and Loretta.

And last night...

The Movie of The Week:


With Joaquin Phoneix in the starring role.

An empathetic look at how The Joker becomes...well...The Joker.

They took a lot of liberties with the original backstory...but (for me) it worked well. If you are a may want to skip this one.

A perfect storm of events that finally pushed a honestly nice guy right on over the edge.

Hell of a performance by Phoneix!

I enjoyed it!

You might, too...

This Week's Book

This series of essays from Ellis are as nice as sweet tea on the porch in the hot summer-time.

If you've ever used the term


in that special Southern Way

(...which is South Mouth for ya'll can't help it that you're so dumb...or ugly...or whatever...)

This is the book for you!

Excellent Read!

And...because we must...a moment to revisit

This Week in Trump-land 

(...bless his heart...)

And seriously...what is left to be said.

Subpoenas have been flying.

Two associates of Guiliani and Trump have been caught and jailed trying to flee the country.

Barr may face disbarment (which would be kind of ironic actually)

Another acting HSD has quit...this makes 4.

Now Trump is calling Congressional Oversight "Presidential Harassment" 

(Fun Fact: Nope...they are only doing what is their JOB as outlined in The US Constitution annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd...if you stop breaking the law,,,they will have nothing to bother you about...)

Oh and we are sending troops to Saudi Arabia ( of bone saws, dead jounalists and 9-11 terrorists) but we have pulled out of Syria leaving The Kurds (...who stood side by side with us to fight ISIS...) to genocide by The Turkish.

Oh, and a few of our Military who have already been caught up in the bombing as well.


And Shepherd of Fox News has finally said ENOUGH of this endless propaganda and left...resigned.

He is writing a book, though...

That should be INTERESTING!

I think Nickelback speaks for all of us

"...these three words in my head....are we having FUN yet..."

 More Anon...