Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Virtual AT:Saddleback Mountain to Stratton Maine

"Beans...hitting the virtual trail"

Waking to another beautiful day on the AT.

Today is we will reach mile 2000.

I'm excited.

So let's get started!

Our next landmark

Spaulding Mountain

Another 4000 footer.

And the Spaulding Mountain Lean-To

Seeing the elevated bag reminds me...not all hazards on the trail are bears, rutting moose or snakes.

This morning "Timberline", a fellow NOBO hiker,  was medi-evacuated after he stepped in a hole in the ground that was home to several hundred of these

Less than an inch long...their stingers do not pull out like a honeybee and these wasps (yellow jackets) can each sting you over and over. The venom hurts like hell.

By the time he realized what he has stepped in he had roughly 30 stings in his lower legs and calves. Requiring medical attention and effectively ending his thru-hike less than 200 miles from The Prize.

After hiking all those miles...

What their nest looks like.

Remember to be vigilant. They are foul tempered, and easily upset.

We have also reached Maine in October.
The height of  Moose Rutting Season.

Remember those "trains with antlers" I warned you about in New Hampshire.

Yeah. It is exactly like that.

We are much too close to the end our trail to end up "moosed"!


Onward to Sugarloaf Mountain.

If you think this Mountain sounds might...

At the top is a very popular ski resort.

Well known the world over.

The Trail up Sugarloaf


 And at the Summit

And our descent...

A brief jog to the left on 27 to Stratton...and on the way we hit Mile 2000.

To hit this milestone feels exhilarating...even virtually. 

There is a small sign nailed to a will miss it!

(...personally...I feel like there should be a brass band and someone handing you a cold beer and a ham and cheese on rye sandwich and telling you "Great Job!"...but that is just me...)

We have been on this trail adventure since JUNE!

Only 190 miles to go.

I found a thru-hiker's necklace I really like on eBay. I am going to order it when I finish to commemorate this long journey.

Stopping for a brief rest in Stratton and getting a hot meal and a cold drink to celebrate!

The Rustic Forest Restaurant- Copolin Dinner House

Don't let the plain clapboard appearance fool you...inside is fine dining.

Serving everything from lamb chops and rosemary potatoes to lobster roll.

Pricey...but hey...we're worth it. 

We've trekked 2000+ miles to get here. 

And an impulsive decision to stop for tonight. Stay at the White Wolf...well known to AT Hikers...clean up first before dinner, and enjoy a night on the town.

Our little core group of thru-hikers agree...and soon we are standing beneath hot showers...losing the trail funk, and then off for a wonderful well-deserved meal made by someone else...and cooked in...well...more than water and a single pot.

We will start again tomorrow.



Today's Progress...about 32 miles.