Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Virtual AT: Grafton Notch State Park to Saddleback Mountain & Sabbath Pond

Moose Cave and Mother Walker's Falls

"Beans, again!"

Woke to an absolutely
gorgeous day
and 57 degrees.

Going to explore
a little more of
Grafton Notch 
moving on.

 Unseasonal warmth for
early October

White Blaze App
says it is
60 degrees today
on Mount Katahdin.

Hope our luck holds!

Mother Walker Falls
(from above)


Moose Cave


But x marks our spot 
and we have miles to go
so we must
hike on.

Heading up Old Blue Mountain 

The range encompasses
Old Blue
Elephant Mountain
And Bernis Mountain

In a local's words

"It's quite a hike."

We pass along the way

The Frye Notch Lean-To

The Hall Mountain Lean-To

Until at last we reach to top of Bemis Mountain

and the Bemis Mountain Lean-To

Where we are going to take a breather
and a snack
before moving on.

Peanut Butter Granola Bar and Chocolate Chips and a quick rest (...nothing like a little dark chocolate to set you right...) and we are back on our way.

Trying for Saddleback Mountain today.

The Trail to Saddleback Mountain


The Hike to Saddleback


And Sabbath Pond Shelter where we will be spending tonight.

Pondside at Sabbath

We have made some miles, and are now 1959 miles in on the AT...only 231 miles left to go.

Working on a fire...and maybe some one pot
Mac and cheese with bacon (jerky) for supper.

See you tomorrow!



Our Progress Today!