Saturday, October 5, 2019

October...Happiness is...Chris and Tina's Honeymoon...and More


Loving the chilly mornings...dark hot cocoa with whipped cream and sprinkles..oh...and decorating around the cats.

"Decorations??? You mean this amazing new cat toy I've discovered???"

Seriously...I fear for this year's Christmas Tree.

Had a scare the other day when she accidentally slipped out when maintenance was here. Came home and tossed the house like the DEA looking for Meth...and no Suri.

Even Sofi got in on the search and was trilling and nosing around for her.

Called her inside and out. 

Knew she was not in the house because we had literally looked EVERYWHERE. 

My friend and neighbor, Sue, looked around the outside of the building and back to the treeline.

Still no Suri.

Lacey (and her husband) upstairs found her up there having an adventure...and they, and Sue) brought her home about 9:30 PM...much to our relief.

Even John was desolate by then.

"Call me when you find matter what the time!"

( have to love a man who loves not only you...but also your cats...)

Sofi and I were so relieved.

Suri wasn't scared, or even contrite...

"I had the most wonderful ADVENTURE, Mom!"

"Don't you EVER pull that stunt again...Missy!!!"
Best Buddies!

"Kittens are nice...but they are a hell of a lot of trouble!"


So all is well that ends well. 
And when maintenance is in, she will be crated from now on.

Chris made the Dean's List and attended the awards program at College!
 (...4.0 GPA...Way to Go!!!)

He and Tina, now sending pictures from their Honeymoon in Mackinaw City and on Mackinac Island.

Took the White Star Line over to the Island.

"Don't worry, Mom. It is much improved...lifeboats for everyone and we didn't see a single iceberg along the way!"

 So happy they made it!

Michigan truly is HIS State...and Mackinaw City was his happy place since he was just a child!


Loving all the pictures...and imagining how cold is must be up by Lake Huron by now.

(...we went during a Fall Break in October once and literally used the in-the-shell hard boiled eggs from the hotel breakfast as hand-warmers during an early morning shoreline walk...)

The Bridge to the Upper Peninsula

So happy for my boys who have found love and their "happily-ever-after" !

James and Nicole at Rehearsal

Chris and Tina on their Honeymoon.

 To see your children grown, married and happy is all any mother could ever ask for in life.

Okay...that and maybe bacon...good coffee...and dark chocolate...

And right now...maybe Impeachment and Removal.


As much as a politiphile as I am...Trump is just exhausting.

There is so much...every hour...of every is insane.

I've never seen anything like this (politically) in my lifetime.

Drag Queens don't generate THIS much DRAMA.

Talbott Street- Ruthie Dix

Since they have started the Impeachment Inquiry he has been totally unhinged and attacking...well...pretty much everyone.

And trying to drag Pence and Guiliani right down with him...which has been kind of entertaining in a pathetic way.

And the Ukraine memes are getting better and better...



Yes...but it is Our Shadenfreude...okay?

Finishing the Outside Stuff today before tomorrow's rain...and basically a Cinderella Day (...scrub, polish, dust, wash, launder, vacuum...)

Going to spend a lot of next week finishing up Virtual AT (Maine) and getting some odds and end repairs done before Winter slips up on us.

Have a Zen Weekend!