Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter Weekend

And what says Easter 2020 more than Peeps with tiny isolation masks, eh?

Settling into our New Normal here.

Whether that is working from home..

like Nicole.

Supervising the Squirrels...

like Gadget.

Playing in the delivery boxes...

like Sofi...

Finding the FIRST dandelion of the season...

like Chris. 

 ( won...)

Creating and laughing at all the crazy memes we are seeing emerge from all this...

This may be premature, at this point.
Just saying.

Or finding other ways to amuse ourselves. 

And you have to laugh a little or you would cry.

(...and maybe cry a little too...)

Dr. Fauci says this weekend may be the worst terms of Covid Deaths.

With mass burials beginning in NYC

Worse is getting harder and harder to quantify.
The deaths in NYC have been from 500-700+ daily for over a week.

Worldwide: 1,707,602 confirmed cases with 105,728 deaths now.

Here in the US:  506,008 confirmed cases with 19,666 deaths.

In Indiana: 7,435 confirmed cases with 330 deaths.

In My County (Putnam)  32 confirmed cases with 2 deaths.

( of the two was one of the first doctors I worked with when I came out of Nursing School- Dr. Fred Haggerty...)

That put a face on this pandemic for me.

They say we are nearing a peak...and the first vaccine is in human trials still probably won't be ready until next year...but it is something.

I honestly cannot listen to Trump anymore through this...and left in the midst of his hype for Hydroxychloroquine which sounded like the obnoxious blogger/conman off the movie Contagion hawking Forsythia.

What have you got to lose?


Death, blindness, seizures...where do I sign up?

But ever so grateful that my family, friends and lover (and, of course the cats) are all  happy, healthy and seem to be coping well.

John and I have decided on a bit of civil disobedience the week of my 60th birthday (...coming soon...) and breaking quarantine to see each other...since we are both safe, long self-isolated and healthy.

Looking forward to turning 60 in your arms.

It's funny...the little things you hugs, long kisses and holding hands, I think...more than anything else.

But for now it is Grub-Hub and Insta-Cart and online shopping.

Which brings me to The Toaster.

(...yes...I am still "on" about the damned toaster...)

Found it on eBay at the end of March...brand new...and bought it.

Shipping was through Fed Ex and date of arrival was April 8th.

Great..there will be TOAST...I exclaimed naively. 

Actually bought a loaf of good bread for its arrival.

(...don't judge...I've been without a toaster since mine died quite a while back...and toast done in the oven under the broiler is NOT the same...and requires too much attention...)

The 8th arrived...but no toaster.

The seller amended the delivery date to the 9th...

(...why not...we've nothing but time...right???)

The 9th came and went.

Still no toaster (or toast).

Went on the Fed EX site with the tracking number.

It seems while I have been stuck at home in quarantine my Little Toaster has been on quite the vacation.

Traveling from Missouri...and Zionsville...and Indianapolis (...where it is currently resting up...possibly jet lagged...)

Indianapolis assures me I will have toast by the 17th.


Yes...obviously I need to get out more.

The only book of recent has been Islands which I am going through slowly for our Virtual Adventure.

And the gardening magazines where I am soon to order my plants for the patio and my borders.

(...I opened NPB briefly when the temperature was in the mid-70's...then it all fell suddenly to the 40' although I got my first bit of basking and is going to be a while, now...)

It will come, though.

(...kind of like the toaster...)

Got a nice surprise this week when John (who took me on his walk via photos) went over by where I lived years and years ago (...when we first met...) off Pleasant Run Parkway.

The end of my old studio apartment building.

My studio was sub-terrain, tiny and the washer and dryer was in a small room just outside my door.

I remember the fir has gotten huge.

I used to come out and bask on that small strip of green-space beside it.

Pre-husband...pre-children....pre-everything it seems...several lifetimes ago.

Then he didn't live far from here, either.

It was a simpler time.

The Movie this Week:

An earlier release...I had not seen yet.

Not much coming out that the theaters are closed.

Smith and Lawrence make this comedy/drama hilarious and engaging.

You'll want to see it!

Great chase scenes (both car and motorcycle)

And the conversation between Smith and Lawrence (with other passengers in the middle) on the airplane is laugh out loud funny.

Excellent film.

Today is my Cinderella Day (clean...dust...wash...scrub) and prep for Easter tomorrow...though it will only be Sofi and me, this year.

                                                     "Sounds like more ham for me, Mom!!!"  ~Sofi

Have a Wonderful Easter Weekend!


Carla & The Sofi-Cat

         "Open the door, Dad...I KNOW you're in there!"  ~Gadget