Monday, April 27, 2020

Virtual Islands: Tristan da Cunha

A small group of remote islands off the coast of South Africa in the Atlantic ocean...

Although, Tristan is won't find restaurants here. Or hotels. Credit cards are not accepted...and the beaches aren't safe for swimming.

There is no airstrip and all arrival is at least 18 days by boat.

And the locals...well they like it that way.

(...they must be getting the last laugh in this Pandemic we are currently facing...)

But today we are traveling let's go explore.

The locals (all 270 of them), on this British Territory, not only live with their isolation...they embrace it. 

All electricity is supplied by generators...and there is literally only one road in and out.

The village (Edinburgh of the Seven Seas) is dotted with cottages, potato patches and grazing cows.

It is a peaceful, laid back existence...unless the volcano erupts...(and it has in the past). Then, I suppose, life gets a little more chaotic.

The volcano usually a sleeping giant that looms in the background.

Overhead Shot

Its last eruption in 1961

And the evacuation to Cape Town.

The entire island is roughly 98 square miles.

Most of the beaches fine black volcanic sand and are soft and perfect for walking.

But as Goldman once admonished in a review :

"If you die."

Between the rip tides, strong currents, undertow and sharks prevalent in these offshore is not worth the risk!

Life on Tristan

Next time we will explore: Vigur

Till Then...