Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Virtual Islands: Fernando de Noronha

Possibly the quintessential tropical island, Fernando de Noronha is just off the coastline of Brazil.

The largest island in an archipelago of 21 volcanic islands...and the only one inhabited.

Named after a Portuguese nobleman who never set foot there...and whose name was scrambled from its rightful spelling (Loronha) to what we have today.

It is only 6 miles long and a scant 2 miles wide and you could literally walk around the entire place in a day's time.

This morning's temperature here is 88 degrees.

( may assume your snorkels...flippers and masks...)

(...since it is currently 40 degrees here in Indiana...I may have to pass on that for a while...)

Let's start our Virtual Adventure!


The twin formations shown here off the beach are called Two Brothers. The beach is named the same. They are two volcanic rocks.


A grotto nearby is beautiful and filled with the warm turquoise water.

Natural pools like this are found around the coastline of the island.

(...I'm not getting out...and you can't make me...)

A perfect bask and soak spot under the tropical sun.

 The formation in the background known as Atol das Rocas.

And the beach on the other side.

One of the popular pastimes on the island is diving.


And some of the diving encounters...


 Or perhaps exploring the ruins of Forts on Fernando.


There are several...including an old prison fort.

And the ruins of a war fort. know I'd have to bring home a rock from one of these...right?

But whether hiking the island, playing in the turquoise water, basking in the sun, exploring the ruin of the forts, or diving with the sea turtles and dolphins...this may be the BEST isolated island Lovegrove has found yet!!!

Next time we will explore:  Mingulay

Till then...