Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday's Update week has been a lot like this.

Apparently, stress-eating is a real thing...and pasta is my new very best buddy.

Actually, anything carbohydrate laden.

Got to get a grip.

Next week's Insta-Cart has to be filled with fruits and veggies, okay? Not pasta, breads, ravioli and Hostess

If you aren't a little stressed haven't been paying attention.

Adjusting to this New Normal is harder than one would think.

First off...all the boxes are arriving now from a week and a half's purchases.

So the living room looks like Christmas...minus the tree.

Now there are gloves and masks and chocolate (of course) along with bags of cat food, kitty litter and treats.

And a toaster...because mine died.

But this has been a lost week  for me...too much food and completely overwhelmed. 


Except for The Eating.

Loretta's facility now has 2 suspect cases and everyone is quarantined to their rooms indefinitely. She is not sick, thankfully.

Angie is 2 months away from losing the business she has worked so hard to build up.

And John and I (on opposite ends of the world, it seems) continue to worry about each other.

Only our cats seem Zen.

The climb has started...we are rising to the crest.

From 122,066 cases nationwide last Saturday to 293,487 today.

US deaths now at 7, 896.

Worldwide we are now at 1,162,169 confirmed cases (yes over a million) with 62,444 deaths.

Sixty two thousand people...gone.


All of the states closed now except 8...

Do I REALLY need to tell you they are ALL red states.

(...didn't think so...) is the deal, okay?

The rest of us are going to STAY SAFE, STAY HOME, STAY SMART...

And it seems the herd may cull itself.


Toilet Seat Lickers.

God will Protect
Us Folks

It's JUST like a Cold/Flu People

It's ALL a Hoax.

Spring Breakers...and anyone else who has purposely gone out because they think the media is just making too much of this virus. tell us how that works out for y'all in a few months, okay?


I've stopped watching Trump's Briefings/Lies/Word Salads/Daily Rallies and replaced them with Governor Cuomo's Briefings from NY.

(...he is more Presidential on his worst day than Trump is on his very best...)

Gives me hope.

And next week we vow to get productive and do better.

And not EAT everything in sight...because DAMN!

There have been some high points. 

Chris and Tina did a
Drive-by Homemade Chili (ing) to me on Sunday night.

Which was amazing!

And we all gathered outside later this week (socially distanced of course) and caught up....chatting until nearly dark.

Nicole and I have decided that Sundays will be "Pass the Phone
Around and Stay in Touch with all the Grands Day."

And got to see James' Pups progress...

They are just beautiful!

And today...I am back to a Cinderella Day.

Laundry, Cleaning, Dusting, Dishes, Trash.

Trying to get back on track and embrace a feeling of normal.

Now step AWAY from the pasta!

Stay SAFE (and sane)



                                             ...okay...maybe a little more pasta...