Monday, September 12, 2016

Grandparents Day!

Damn it feel good to be a Grandma!

A Perfect Sunday. Clear deep blue, cloudless skies and cooler autumn temps. Finished the Sunday Edition and took a stem glass of orange juice out to enjoying my flowers and sit with a lap full of Tucker-Kitty when suddenly I hear the rumble of James' Camaro and see four of my seven grands clamouring up the small hill in the back yelling


Nice visit with James, Kaylee, Emma, Hannah and Brenden!  They, enjoying a day out with Dad...doing some fishing, playing in the park and- of course- McDonalds.

Us...spying a praying mantis who has been hanging out on my arbor. Hoping for an egg case before winter! Collecting seed pods. Playing with The Big Orange Ball and tag (Dad and I, were BASE) and just generally hanging out. And a zillion hugs!

A VERY Happy Grandparent's Day Surprise!

Made chicken and noodles, dressing and sliced ripe tomato for dinner with sweet tea and egg custard for afters, then...

Worked a bit on my Mediterranean Painting.

It is still just in the rough beginning phase...but the limestone arch and grottos are starting to take form.

 I am going to use Impasto to build up the surface and the sea sponge to give texture before dry-brushing the limestone.  Then going to create the greenish lighter tinged wash to give shallowness to the grotto emerging in the foreground.

Stippled the surface of the water with a shade lighter lapis blue in the form of (of all things) nail polish...and it actually worked to give the illusion of sun on the water. Soon to add tiny riffs of white and foam as well.

Not going to be a Masterpiece...but it's great fun capturing a bit of The Greek Islands on canvas. 

Speaking of great fun...caught the very end of the Colts game last night. Online. With a friend. On IM. The best (or worst...depending on your POV) was the fact that we were watching from two entirely different feeds...and they were not synched.  The feeds were off by about 3 minutes. Since my buddy lives in Indy he was receiving the next play when I was still watching the (previous) time out. I started calling him Future Man.

"They got the touchdown!"


(3 minutes later)

"There it is!!!!"

and thus the score was tied...with maybe 25 left on the clock.

Which made the final field goal  (by the Lions...and winning the game) excruciating...

"Well...come on...tell me..I can take it...did they make it?????"

And how the hell did they miss the game's previous field goal at the 33 yard line but get this one at the 44?????????????????

Still the Colts brought the game back from a 21-3 hole, and Luck promises to be outstanding this season...and it is so early yet. It would be nice to see them get another Superbowl.

We'll see.

Go Colts!

More anon...