Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Cage-Match that was The First Presidential Debate

Or...how the HELL did we end up with THESE TWO BOZOS...and doesn't it scare the HELL out of you when you realize that one of them very well may end up POTUS?

And face it...the only way Hillary could ever stand a chance at POTUS is to be running against someone like Trump.

And visa-versa.

Watched it only briefly...then finished it out using the complete transcripts this morning because...damn.

First of all...I will NOT be voting for either of them, and frankly I think it is absolutely abhorrent that out of this entire nation these are the two "left standing"

Seriously, America.

I will be doing some Defensive Congressional Voting and, of course, will be participatory in our state and local elections.

DNC. I think you really "screwed the pooch" by disenchanting an entire generation of new voters and stacking the primary outcome...and it may end up biting you (all of us) in the ass in a big way.

But enough "I told you so" and unlike the MSM's approach, or last night's debates...let's stick with the facts.


The Complete Transcripts of last night's Presidential Debates.

What these don't show you is the rudeness shown by both Candidates to each other (and in some instances, the moderator).

It will not show you the smirks, eyerolls, and the unseemly actions of two adults acting a lot like badly undisciplined overgrown kindergarten children.

It will not show you the deliberate condescension or him referring to her as Secretary or her referring to him only by his first name, Donald I am not trying to stand on ceremony here...but you are BOTH basically on a job interview for the highest position in the nation and everything was handled in a manner best reserved for a cage-match.

Even Madame Secretary and Mr. Trump would have been an improvement.

Something I did manage to notice from the brief time I sat through the televised debate before deciding to just read this morning's transcripts was this...

At the beginning Donald Trump started into the debate with a much quieter...modulated voice. This lasted all of about 15 minutes...then he was back to his thunderous, "braggidocious" (sic)  lying  self. 

For a while Hillary tried to stick to issues, then she morphed into the shrill, sarcastic, "out-of-control" lying self. 

Face it. If ether of them get it-

We're The United States of Screwed. 

More anon...