Monday, September 5, 2016

Novel: The Plan- Mark (continued)

[ The room is less busy than my last visit. Only Mark and I, today. The Exo-Shel team has been pushing him hard, but Mark has been pushing himself even harder since seeing the kids. He is like a completely different person. Greeting me with smiles when I walk into the room. I would like to take the credit they try to give me for his remarkable transformation, but it is The General's. Mark is wearing the Exo-Shel and sitting up by his bedside. ]

"Doc! I've been waiting for you. Check THIS out.",

[He is excited like a child with a new toy.  I hear the hydraulic shuuush of the suit and watch him rise from sitting to standing, then am speechless when he takes 10 steps forward to greet me properly; his robotic arm and hand extended. What they have accomplished is amazing.]

"They are working on this vinyl latex soft glove-like thingy that will make my hand" He apologizes for the plastic-steel I am gripping .

"Isn't this the BEST? Josh and Jade aren't afraid of me at all. And they will be doing some more plastic surgery on my face soon. Josh thinks the suit is really neat."

"He has even started calling me Ironman!"

"I think next time he visits I am going to press one of those stick on closet lights right in the middle of my chest. Get the General to pick up one, you know. Kid would lose his damn mind!"

[he laughs loudly]

"They will be back with The General this weekend. I can't wait!"

[ I am elated to see him so comfortable. Happy. If anyone deserves happiness in life, it is this guy. ]

"Hey Doc, her dad says she isn't ready to see me yet. Do you think you can try to talk Tracy into coming up. Tell her I'm not mad and that I understand and I miss her."

[ "I'll work on it", I lie. Convincingly. Another of those things they inadvertently teach you while getting a psychiatric degree. Sometimes it comes in handy. I realize there is no way in hell I am going to let that pathetic excuse for a human being ever get her hooks back into him. No matter what it takes. To Mark, I say that I have been helping them along a little financially, they're okay. A huge wave of gratitude crosses his face.]

"I know it has to be tough now that Jerry ran off. I can't believe he just left her and the kids. I'm the one who should be taking care of them, you know. I should have been all along."

[ I wave it off and tell him that the only person I want him to focus on taking care of is himself.]

"But you will talk to her, right Doc?"

[I nod.  I conclude the interview with Mark, but the one who is gnawing at my mind while we finish up is Tracy.  He tires quickly, and presses a button for an orderly to assist him out of the Shel and back to bed. He is snoring loudly by the time I pop my head back in the room to say goodbye. Even in his sleep he looks at peace. Content.]