Friday, January 26, 2018 Last!

...and sooooooooooooooooooooo ready for the weekend!

The snow is only a memory now...and Spring is only 52 days away. Much  warmer outside today!

Have bulbs ready to force for some early Spring color (and pollen) in the house.
By the time the Paperwhites and Hyacinths open...the house starts smelling just like Indy's Flower and Patio Show (and I am pre-medicating with antihistamines...but it is so worth it!)  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh-chooooo

Found possibly the BEST TATTOO-ever! I may have to do it..or something similar, soon.

Laughed entirely too long over this.  Could see a small version on this in the palm of my hand

(slapping the table during brunch)

"Damned Minions"

Anything for a laugh...right?

A Cinderella Day here. 

Cleaning, Scrubbing, Laundry, Dusting...and running out later for Weekend Provisions.

Planning a relaxing Retreat of a Weekend.  My good friend Loretta has been hospitalized for several days with complications after that damned flu...culminating in this week has been fairly chaotic. Just exhausted today. She has had a rough winter and I worry for her...glad that it will be Spring before too long...and hoping she can make it until then.

After the whole Tide Pods thing I had to share these:

 (...thanks Nicole...)

And who KNEW the walls were filled with Cotton Candy!


Apparently, they wear masks to stop themselves from eating it during installation?

PSA:  Do I REALLY have to tell you NOT to chew on wires or consume fiberglass?????????????????????

I think that Darwin fellow was right.

Just saying.

Anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Girl Scout Cookies soon.

And planning to put back a sleeve of Thin Mints for "Idgy" and I to use as mix-in in homemade ice cream in April.


more days until "Rose and Idgy's Spring Adventure".  Looking forward to celebrating MY Birthday Weekend with her, this year!  Something involving cream and cake!



And now for Les Nouvelles de Trump

A request was put in for the borrowing of a Van Gogh entitled Landscape for the Trump Bedroom at the White House.

Their request was politely declined...but another piece of artwork (...possibly more was offered in its stead.

Yes. Guggheim offered them the use of this fully functional 18K solid gold

An artistic creation (statement piece) by Maurizio Cattelan simply entitled America.

There has been no response from The White House.

This week's Book:

Future Home of the Living God

The latest offering by Louise Erdrich. Set in a future dystopian society where evolution is beginning to reverse at an accelerating rate and pregnant woman are being "hunted" and institutionalized before they give birth to their children.

Following the pregnancy of one woman  (Cedar Birdsong...nee Mary Potts). It is a page turner from beginning to end. 

One spoiler...if you are looking for a happy ending...well...this is not the book for you.

Well written and completely engaging!

Worth a look.

This week's Movie 

Which I had actively resisted I loved the original with Robin Williams.

This wasn't your typical remake.  They updated Jumanji from a board game to a video game. The storyline took a completely (refreshingly) different turn altogether. The casting was outstanding.

All in all I enjoyed it very much. I think you will, too!

Tomorrow...we will continue Virtual Australia!

More anon...