Friday, January 5, 2018

The First Week of 2018...or as I Like to Refer to it: Hibernation

Yes....this is MY Weekend Plan...okay?

Finally over that bug of "biblical proportions"...and emerged thinner (can drop my jeans without unzipping or unbuttoning them today) and ravenous...want to eat everything!!!

A nice change from literally living on Saltines and Sprite for a week...and only keeping that down about half the time.

So yeah...comfort foods and undecking the halls (...the tree is STILL up...and Shelby is thrilled...) are my only plans for the weekend.

And maybe a deep hot bubble bath, and manage to de-matt this hair...which has turned into kind of  Kunta Kinte Nightmare after being down for a week sick. Slave-Ship head has nothing on this mess. Should have braided it back on day one.

Haven't missed being out this week  Subzero to 2 degree days. -11 and -12 degrees (real temps) at night.

And, obviously, the Gardening Magazines have started to arrive...because...well...the garden is now PERMAFROST.

Thinking of sending my electric company a Thank You card.  Whatever I is NOT too much.  Seriously.

The snow is still outside and beautiful...because it is frozen solid there.

But the week is over and I will quit my whining now...besides as Gail (friend from Minnesota) likes to remind everyone...only 73 more days until SPRING!

She gives me hope.

Already I have muttered

"I COULD live on a beach"

Not a good sign.
This Annual Declaration usually reserved for late late February.'s Meatloaf and Mashies, Green Beans and Cherry Pie; and stowing the Christmas things away all weekend.

...and looking at the Gardening Glossies wistfully...

Huge  thanks to James and Chris, Amber,and Everyone else who called, cared, brought me over things to survive, took trash out or emptied a litter-box...or just made sure I was STILL among the are all soooooooooooooooooo appreciated!

  I kind of feel bad for Shelby...who is going to turn into Grinch's: Cindy Lou Who tomorrow as I de-construct the tree.

        "Santy Claus...Why??? Why are you taking our Christmas Tree?  Why?" is past time...

I am keeping the bright Santa Red as my decorator colour through February, though.

Finally caught up with World News and, of course, Politics from the week. is moments like THESE that SNAFU just doesn't really describe it fully and FUBAR comes into play.

Steve Bannon should literally send Trump flowers after the hew and cry he set up about his (Bannon's) just-released today expose all book.

You can't pay for that kind of media coverage on a release!

Although I loathe Bannon...I may end up reading it- just because of how unhinged Trump became over it.

Enjoy the Weekend.

Hibernating here!