Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Virtual Australia: Lamingtons...with Recipe

So...I tried my hand at the Aussie Dessert Treat: Lamingtons- last night... layering mine with strawberry jam.

Used larger flake coconut instead of the fine stuff but basically otherwise the same.

Took my first bite...and realized I had tasted this before.

"It is Zingers"

Remember Hostess Zingers?  Same exact thing.

Who Knew??? 

Maybe the marketing people thought the name "Lamingtons" wouldn't fly in the states?

Granted these aren't as waxy...they are richer and fresher (being homemade)...they are smaller, but
at the end of the day...they're still Zingers.

Very easy to make. 


Prepare or buy vanilla cream cake, sponge cake or loaf style pound cake. Slice thin (1/4 inch slices)

Spread one slice with jam, cream, chocolate icing, lemon, basically anything...or leave plain if you don't want filled Lamingtons.

Top with second thin slice and cut into fourths. You should have 4 two inch square cubes.

Do the same with the rest of the cake and filling.

Sit a wire drying rack in a 1/4 inch deep baking tray.

Transfer layered cubes to drying rack.

On stove-top you can prepare boiled icing of any flavor or-

You can buy canned icing and melt to desired thickness over low heat.

Icing should be thin and pourable.

When icing has thinned (honey consistency) have bowl of sweetened, flaked dried coconut nearby your work station.

Pour icing to completely cover cubes, and immediately sprinkle with coconut before they dry.

Refrigerate until served.


Delicious with Morning Coffee.
More Anon...