Monday, January 29, 2018


Today's missive was initially going to about Australian Lamingtons. Complete with a RECIPE.

That will have to wait.

Sometimes, as a parent, you get filled with such huge feelings of love, and pride, respect and admiration...that you are compelled to share these feelings. With everyone. With the WORLD.

This is one of those days for me.

Yesterday my youngest, Chris, crashed into the midst of my Zen Day around Noonish. Just a knock on the patio door, and I am always happy to see him.

He was bubbly and in good spirits wanting to share the news of his career "life-plan" (which is well thought out and one he has been educationally pursuing for quite some time) The culmination of this plan will land him the title of Computer Systems Architect. 

 I am so proud of him!

It is amazing to see anyone so excited about ANYTHING in is doubly so when that someone is your child.

And we sat and chatted...about careers...and life...and politics...and more...we chatted for 5 hours, this grown son, and I.  And it was wonderful!

But wait....there is more...

Our middle, Lennon, is literally in the middle right now. Sandwiched between working full time and caring for his elderly Grandmother. It is something he does not out of obligation...but out of love.
He is a wonderful caring individual. Always has been.  
And I am so proud of him.

He has (also) always been a Legomaniac.

It isn't just something you outgrow.

I learned this on North Meridian at one of the CEO's of United Airlines one summer when during a party/barbecue at Jim's house he ushered us into a room where he had spent the winter months building a scaled model of his sprawling home and grounds out guessed it...LEGOS. 

He called it stress relief.

So when Lennon let me know that he had bought the 7,541 piece Millennium  Falcon to made perfect sense.

and of course an X-Wing to complete the scene...

Because as he remarked...

"You gotta..."

And sent me this as a laugh

"Nobody LIKED C3PO..."


And last, but certainly not least, my eldest, James. Heading into his 5th year of marriage to an amazing woman...and the two of them (both having previous marriages and children and stepchildren) are Mom and Dad to...a lot of kids.

This weekend picking up my oldest grandson (his stepson years ago)...who has now been removed from his mother's home as well- so that he would be able to stay close to his younger brother (my son's 7 year old)  They didn't just pick him up for an hour or so...but had him at their home as part of the family...which he is...for the entire weekend. He even scheduled a "Boys Night Out" of bowling and pizza for all three of the boys  (Preston, Brendon, and Aiden)

I have watched him actively work hard to keep this array of siblings (girls and boys) together as family through the years. I am proud of the Father (and the man) he has become.

Bill would have been so proud of all of them and the men they have become...and I know his love and guidance and life lessons helped shape them into the men they are today.

I love and am very proud of all of them.

So just a reflective Mom Moment.

Tomorrow we will see about those Lamingtons!